管道清洁-渥太华室内空气质量| Enviropure Home 服务-优德游戏app


Air duct cleaning is essential to maintaining a healthy and breathable environment for you and your family.



随着时间的推移,灰尘和其他污染物自然会在我们的家里和办公室里积聚. 唯一的区别是,不像你房子的其他部分,你不能 清洁通风管道 用吸尘器或吸尘机. 随着时间的推移,灰尘、污垢、过敏原和霉菌会在你的暖通空调系统内积聚. 如果你有宠物,头发和皮屑也可能积聚在你的通风口. These toxins will circulate in your household air as your HVAC system discharges air into your home. 你的系统也会因为污染物而效率降低. 它们会堵塞系统中的过滤器,堵塞通风口.

你关心的是保持渥太华房产的清洁和健康, 但你的暖通空调管道系统可能会被忽视. The air ducts in your HVAC system gather impurities 随着时间的推移 and circulate them throughout your home. 定期清洁这些管道是很重要的,可以增强 家里的空气质量 并使您的暖通空调系统更有效地工作.

Enviropure Home Ottawa has established a solid reputation for quality work and outstanding results. 我们的管道清洁专家随时满足您的需求, 以专业的方式提供我们个性化的渥太华管道清洁服务.



空气管道的基本清洁可以在家里完成, 然而, professional air duct cleaning is recommended to ensure the highest quality of air for your home. 清洁的空气管道不仅可以促进你和你的家人的健康生活, 但它们也创造了一个更节能的空间. 专业的风管清洗可以保证 过敏原 and bacteria are carefully removed so your family can breathe well and enjoy the space that they live in.

  • 清洁炉子和空调的外部.*
  • 清洁你的烘干机通风口,最大限度地提高效率,减少火灾危险
  • 清洁你的管道,清除所有的过敏原和细菌

The experts at Enviropure can ensure your air ducts are properly handled and can manage a variety of tasks to help improve your indoor air quality.

*我们不对这些系统进行检查、维护或修理. 只有经过认证的暖通专业人员才能做到这一点.


需要清洗地毯吗?? 寻找装修后的清理工作? 或者你只是需要彻底打扫一下房子. 今天优德游戏app免费评估!

我们的 客户不得不说


Enviropure已经打扫我家好几个月了. 他们的工作人员在电话里和在家里都很有礼貌和专业. 他们带着自己的设备进进出出,但做得很好. 我强烈推荐他们的服务. For my family they take care of the burden of cleaning which lets us spend more time together.


最近和这家公司签约了,他们很棒. 我们收到了足够多的清洁服务,可以说他们总是很准时. They are in and out without making any disruption as well which is great if you’re in a work from home situation due to COVID . I’ve been through a few cleaners over the years and we finally found a company for long term. 强烈推荐!


Enviropure在我们搬进来之前把房子打扫得很干净. 这些电器看起来是崭新的. They covered every corner of the house, even spots we assumed they wouldn’t be able to reach. 我们对此印象深刻.

Marc Langill

多年来,我们家和公司都有地毯清洗机. 然而,这是渥太华的Enviropure服务第一次被使用. 格里和克里斯准时、专业,对最小的细节都很细心. 结果是迄今为止最好的清洁地毯. 在他们到达之前,我们正在考虑把地毯换成硬木. 然而,在他们完成后,它看起来好多了. 我们肯定会继续使用地毯,并再次邀请这家公司. Based on their outstanding carpet cleaning, I would definitely recommend their services.


我最近用Enviropure做了一个深度清洁, 他们做得很棒, 他们非常专业,工作也很努力. 他们把公寓装修得像新的一样! 他们是值得信赖的,我一定会推荐他们, 我将继续每两周使用一次, 如果可以的话,我会给他们打10星. 他们从头到尾都很棒. 谢谢蒂娜, Richard, 鲍勃和马特,还有所有努力工作的人, 多么伟大的团队和公司啊!!!!



If you have recently moved or had your home remodelled having the ducts cleaned in your space is a must. The 家里的空气质量 could have been affected by any renovations or the former residents in your home. At Enviropure we offer duct cleaning in the entire Ottawa area including; Barrhaven, Kanata, 布莱克本哈姆雷特, 奥尔良, Greely, Stittsville和Nepean. 清洁空气管道的其他好处包括:

  • 改善空气质素
  • 去除细菌 & 过敏原
  • 减少水电费
  • 增加加热器的使用寿命

今天优德游戏app,获得免费报价, 开始改善你和家人呼吸的空气.



我们管道清洁服务的一个方面包括烘干机清洁. Dryer vents that have been left to collect debris and lint are one of the number one causes of house fires in Ottawa. 如果没有足够的空间让热空气正确地从通风口逸出, 这会导致烘干机过热. 如果你注意到以下情况, 这可能意味着是时候清理你的烘干机通风口了:

  • 衣物在通常的干燥周期后仍未干
  • 运行烘干机需要更多的时间/更多的循环
  • 当你把衣服从烘干机里拿出来时,它很热

We recommend you have your 干燥通风 cleaned once a year to ensure your dryer is working efficiently and safely. 与我们的团队联系,预订管道清洁服务.

经常 问问题

关于渥太华管道清洁的一些常见问题的答案. 如果您有任何其他问题,请随时联系Enviropure.

Duct cleaning is highly recommended as an important step in improving and maintaining indoor air quality. With professional duct cleaning, you are investing in the air that you and your family breathe. Duct cleaning is also good for even distribution of hot air and cool air – depending on the season – and can help you save money on hydro bills as well as extend the life of your HVAC system. 灰尘是家里很常见的东西. 住在一个房子里的人越多, 随着时间的推移,灰尘会越来越多, 这些灰尘会进入你的管道系统, 有时在暖气或空调运行时可能会被吹出, 这意味着你和你的家人可能会吸入灰尘. 这就是为什么定期清洁管道是个好主意. Indoor air quality has similarities and differences from outdoor air quality – the similarities are that pollutants can be present in the air, 从内部和外部的起源.

我们在渥太华进行室内空气质量测试以及管道清洁, 帮助成千上万的房主和他们的家人呼吸更好的空气. Contact 我们今天!

你会大吃一惊的! 说到管道清洁, we’ve come across all sorts of items that don’t belong there – and we’ve heard stories around the industry of even stranger things. 咖啡杯和烟头是很常见的, for starters – these often get into the ductwork when construction crews are on site. 由于他们的粗心和疏忽, 这些碎片留在你家里, 随着时间的推移, 成为你家室内空气质量的一个诋毁者. What have previous residents in your home left in the ducts, accidentally or otherwise? Could be anything from illicit drugs to wedding rings to love letters… the list goes on, 我们几乎什么都见过或听说过. 如果你幸运的话,也许那些管道里有钱!

Chances are, unfortunately, that there’s debris, garbage, particulates and/or pollutants. 不要冒险; contact 我们今天 and get a professional duct cleaning in Ottawa for superior indoor air quality.

真的,渥太华的管道清洁可以全年进行. 其中一些将取决于您的特定目标和管道清洁的需求. 对于那些患有过敏症的人, 春天会带来更多的花粉和其他颗粒. If you’ve been opening your windows and noticing your allergies kicking in – even with the windows closed – it’s possible there are particles in your ductwork that are triggering your allergies. 如果你在整个春季和/或夏季都在做家庭装修项目, then you may want to get a professional duct cleaning in the fall – before it’s time to turn on the furnace. 有段时间没打扫管道了? ——比如说几年或更久——我们很乐意在一年中的任何时候出来, 即使是在渥太华的冬天, to make sure you get a proper duct cleaning and to help you and your family breathe cleaner air.

Contact 我们今天在渥太华预订管道清洁服务.

烘干机的通风口绝对需要清洗. 这些可能是你家里最大的火灾风险之一! 渥太华的房主, landlords or property managers who do not clean their dryer exhaust vent can be subject to their dryer overheating, as there isn’t enough space for the hot air from the dryer to escape the home properly. 最终,烘干机上的加热元件可能会破裂. 烘干机过热会引起火灾. 这就是为什么干燥机排气口清洁很重要. 我们提供烘干机通风口清洁作为我们渥太华管道清洁服务的一部分. Some signs that it’s time for a 干燥通风 cleaning include: Clothes not drying quickly as they used to; more time / more cycles needed to run the dryer; clothing is very hot when you take it out of the dryer; and/or it’s been a year or more since your last 干燥通风 cleaning.

Contact 如果您需要干洗服务,今天就优德游戏app.

这两种情况都需要清洗管道. 让我们先看看新家吧. 你会认为一个新家就像一辆新车,对吧? 如果你从经销商那里开了一辆新车, 毕竟, 你的第一站不会是洗车或换油. 那你为什么要雇我们来打扫新家的管道呢? Well, 就像我们想说渥太华建筑商的好话一样, not all of their crews and subs are as careful around your home as you (or we) would be. We’ve seen all sorts of debris in the ducts of newly built homes and condos in Ottawa, 从烟头、报纸到蒂姆·霍顿的咖啡杯等等. 太粗心了! 不幸的是, there’s no way for you to know what they’ve done… until you notice odd smells coming from the ducts, or you experience duct blockage that ends up costing you more on hydro bills and/or HVAC repairs. 这同样适用于家庭装修——也许没有那么粗心, 但仍, 各种微粒和碎片最终都会进入管道, 从干墙块 & 灰尘到油漆微粒等等.

用于施工后或装修后, 渥太华管道清洁是一个好主意,以帮助您的室内空气质量. Contact 我们今天!
