装修后清洁-渥太华| Enviropure-优德游戏app


装修会让你的空间混乱不堪. Our experts at Enviropure offer comprehensive 装修后清洁 services to restore order.


装修后清洁 & 渥太华建筑清洁服务公司

装修后的清洁和 施工后清理 是不是既耗时又危险. 更重要的是, 还有剩下的细尘和微粒, 如果做得不准确,清洁可能是一场噩梦. Enviropure’s expertly trained team can guarantee peace of mind when it comes to post-renovation 和 construction cleanings.

Enviropure is also experienced 和 trained to clean you home by using the best allergy reduction equipment (including air scrubs) 和 many other top-tier products on the market. Our post-renovation cleaning package includes a deep clean of the entire space to guarantee removal of all dust 和 debris. Contact us today to learn more about the benefits of professional post renovation 和 construction cleanup.



We’re committed to providing high-quality home cleaning services that are friendly for people, pets & 环境.



我们提供 深层清洁 & 室内空气质量 改善您家中空气质量的服务.



We avoid the use of harsh 和 dangerous chemicals that may cause harm to people 和 环境.






在Enviropure we strive to use all natural products to prevent causing harm to 环境.


需要清洗地毯吗?? 寻找装修后的清理工作? 或者你只是需要彻底打扫一下房子. 今天优德游戏app免费评估!


改造后 & Post-Construction清洁

我们还提供空气洗涤器租赁 装修后清洁. Dust from construction can be very hazardous affecting the quality of air in your space. Air scrubbers are the only way to properly ensure that all dust has been removed from your home after construction. The HEPA filter air scrubber will filter out 和 remove any remaining dust in the air 和 improve the quality of air in your home.


  • 对空间进行深度清洁
  • 清洗所有电器的内部和后面
  • 墙壁擦洗
  • 清洗窗户
  • 除尘
  • HEPA-filtration吸尘
  • 硬木地板清洁剂和调理剂
  • 空气动力装置租金
  • 地毯家具清洁
  • 瓷砖和灌浆清洗



捕获尘粒: 在装修过程中,柔软的家具和室内装潢容易捕获灰尘颗粒. These particles are not just surface-level; they embed deeply into the fabrics 和 cushions.

过敏及刺激风险: Leftover dust from renovations can cause allergies 和 irritations, affecting the skin 和 eyes. 经常在沙发和椅子上运动会搅动这些颗粒,增加接触量.

出现的问题: 即使是一层薄薄的灰尘也会让你的软家具看起来不干净, 影响你装修空间的整体外观和感觉.




装修 和 construction projects transform spaces, bringing new life 和 energy into our homes. However, the journey to a newly designed home doesn’t end with the construction team’s departure. The aftermath of such projects dem和s a keen eye for detail 和 a commitment to thorough cleaning to fully complete the transformation. Here are some reasons why meticulous post-renovation cleaning is not just beneficial but essential:

未完成的标准清理: While construction 和 renovation teams do their part in clearing large debris 和 visible dust, 他们的清理工作往往达不到最高的清洁标准. 结果? A home that looks clean at a glance but is hiding post construction dust 和 debris in less obvious places.

被忽视的领域: Appliances, crevices 和 fabrics, often get overlooked during st和ard post-renovation cleanups. 这些特定的区域会积聚灰尘和碎片, 不知不觉地影响了你家里的清洁度和整体空气质量.

深层清洁存储空间: 确保一个真正干净的开始, 清空抽屉并一丝不苟地清理抽屉是必要的, 橱柜, 和衣柜. This step guarantees that all the floating dust particles that sneak here way in are eliminated, 确保您的物品被放回干净的地方, 无尘环境.

通风检查: The health of your home’s air quality post-renovation hinges on the cleanliness of air vents 和 filters. 已经完成了清洁家里空气的工作, 空气过滤器会被过多的碎片堵塞.  Inspecting 和 cleaning these components is crucial to avoid blockages 和 ensure a smooth, 高效和清洁的气流贯穿您的家庭.

地板和地毯护理: The final yet critical step in post-renovation cleaning involves a thorough cleansing of hard flooring 和 carpets which are great at collecting dirt 和 dust. This step ensures the removal of all dust residues 和 prevents dust from recirculating as foot traffic passes over your floors rugs 和 carpets. 


经常 问问题

Below are the answers to some of our frequently asked questions about 装修后清洁. 如果您有任何其他问题,请随时联系Enviropure.

在一个完美的世界, home renovation contractors would leave every job site just as pristine as – or better than – when they first walked in. 在现实中, 虽然许多承包商都很擅长发挥自己的核心优势, 清理工作通常不在其中. 例如,干墙翻新会在房子里留下一层薄薄的灰尘. 渥太华的房主经常留下相当混乱的处理, once the home renovation contractors have finished their work 和 collected their payment. 这时候就可以聘请渥太华Enviropure公司的装修后清洁专家了. 你已经走了这么远,雇佣了一个伟大的团队来为你进行高质量的家庭装修. Now it’s time to sit back, relax, 和 enjoy that new space in the CLEAN comfort you deserve. 我们的渥太华翻新后清洁服务, 我们会把你的整个家收拾得干干净净, 一尘不染,无尘. 享受你新装修的地下室吧, 客厅, 厨房, 浴室或其他空间在你的家-在完全清洁舒适, 多亏了我们渥太华翻新后的清洁服务.

就像你审查过装修公司一样 & 帮你改造厨房的人, 浴室, 地下室或你家的其他地方, 你还想从其他公司中剔除好的清洁公司. 毕竟,你不会让任何人进入你的家. And you want full value for the heard-earned money that you’re paying for your post-renovation cleanup (on top of that reno). That’s why we encourage people to compare 和 contrast the players in the Ottawa cleaning business. 看看他们的评论,他们的口口相传,看看人们是怎么说的. 在Enviropure, 是渥太华后装修和家庭清洁服务的领导者, 我们很自豪获得了好评(4).5星谷歌评级),推荐,推荐和重复业务. You’ll also find our stature with the BBB, including being an accredited business with an A+ rating.

作为我们渥太华翻新后清理服务的一部分, we at Enviropure are proud to offer our “Botanical” cleaning services that are All Natural. 我们保证您的家人和我们团队的安全, 以及我们地球环境的福祉. 这就是为什么我们只使用天然清洁产品和工艺. 这到底是什么意思? 好吧, 我们不会使用任何产品, 例如, 含有挥发性有机化合物(VOC)或毒素的产品. 这就是我们如何在渥太华带来一种安全的装修后清洁方式. 你的房子刚装修过, 你最不想要的就是你自己, 家人或宠物吸入了你不该吸入的东西. 用Enviropure的渥太华自然工艺进行装修后的清洁, you 和 your family (和 your pet(s)) will breathe easier since we’re using cleaning products 和 methods that are better for everyone.

Working with home renovation contractors usually means some degree of latitude when it comes to scheduling. 事情并不总是准时进行的. That’s why we recommend taking with your contractor 和 getting a rough idea of the end date. 你一知道日期就给我们打个电话, 我们会安排你去渥太华进行装修后的大扫除. 当然,我们知道这个日期可能会改变. 我们要求你与我们联系,因为房屋装修正在进行. 您是否需要将渥太华装修后的清理工作推迟到以后的日期, 请提前通知我们. 你会希望在装修完成后尽快进行清理, 虽然有时这不是完美的时机. 我们保持联系的时间越长,时机就越好.

无论如何! We have many clients who have entrusted us with a key to their home; often this is for ongoing home cleaning services on a regular schedule, 但是很多客户也会给我们一把钥匙,让我们提供其他服务,比如清洁地毯, 修复霉菌, 搬进来/搬出来打扫卫生, 以及装修后的清理. 我们是全额投保的, WSIB兼容, A+ accredited BBB business with years of experience helping homeowners 和 property managers with Ottawa home cleaning services. 我们精心挑选我们的家庭清洁人员,并委托他们管理我们自己的家园. 您是否需要留钥匙给我们,以便您在渥太华进行装修后的清洁工作, 请提前告诉我们,以便我们作出所有安排.



空气管道从你的暖通空调系统循环空气,但可以容纳灰尘, 花粉, 如果不定期清洁霉菌. 这种积聚会影响空气质量和健康,尤其是对那些过敏的人. 定期清洁提高暖通空调的效率,创造一个更健康的家庭环境.